Contact Us

MDC Indústria de Contêineres Inteligentes Ltda.

+55 (92) 9237-6685

[email protected]

Office location

Corporate Headquarters

Avenida Ephigênio Salles, N° 126

Bairro: Parque 10 de Novembro

Cep: 69055-736 Manaus – Amazonas – Brasil

Manufacturing Plant

Avenida Torquato Tapajós, N° 4597

Bairro: Tarumã

Cep: 69.041-025 Manaus – Amazonas – Brasil

MDC Indústria de Contêineres Inteligentes Ltda.

+55 (92) 9237-6685

[email protected]

Office location

Corporate Headquarters

Avenida Ephigênio Salles, N° 126

Bairro: Parque 10 de Novembro

Cep: 69055-736 Manaus – Amazonas – Brasil

Manufacturing Plant

Avenida Torquato Tapajós, N° 4597

Bairro: Tarumã

Cep: 69.041-025 Manaus – Amazonas – Brasil

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you can contact us directly.

Yoram Yaeli CEO & Founder

Founded the IIN Group in 1992 and acts as its President and CEO ever since. Yoram brings to the MDC over 20 years of experience in successful entrepreneurship in the fields of Security and Telecom Systems Integration, and Command & Control.

Marc Green Founder

Co-Founder of the IIN Group in 1992 and acts as an active Director since then. Marc is a former CEO of Celadon LLC and brings to the MDC over 20 years of experience in successful entrepreneurship in the fields of International Trade and Logistics within the Telecom Industry.

Andre Luiz Souza CFO

General Manager of IIN Group’s Brazilian operations since 2003 and currently acts also as the Group CFO. Andre brings to the MDC over 10 years of experience in successful financial management of companies and government projects in Brazil.